
HERITAGE Asia – Pacific (heritAP)

A Network of Heritage Practitioners supported by WHITRAP Shanghai

Mr Xinkai XIONG
Country: China

Urban Planning, Historical Geography, Economics


Roland Berger Strategy Consultants


Acting Project Manager
Senior Consultant

Professional/Research Area(s):

Historical City Strategy Planning, Heritage Utilization, Urban Morphology

Short Resume:

- Master Degree from World Heritage Research Center, Peking University
- Honor Research Associate of UMRG UK & Member of ISUF
- 10+ World Heritage Research sponsored by UNESCO and other institute, including: Kuling Town of Lushan, West Lake in Hangzhou and etc.
- Research support for Chinese Government during the 38th World Heritage Committee in Duoha
- 5+-year experience in civic economics and cultural industry, serving Beijing , Shanghai, Kunming, Zhezhou, Chengdu Municipal government for heritage utilization