
HERITAGE Asia – Pacific (heritAP)

A Network of Heritage Practitioners supported by WHITRAP Shanghai

Mr Hexin REN
Country: China

Journalism Communication


Dimen Dong Eco-Museum



Professional/Research Area(s):

The research,protection and development of the local community

Short Resume:

Play a consulting role in Liping county authority since 2003, emphasized at culture protection and rural development in order to facing the problems arise under the rapid development speed of Chinese vast rural areas.
Founder of Chinese first non-governmental Eco-museum—— Dimen Dong Eco-museum, execute the international conception of an Eco-museum with the practise in China under the background of rapid urbanization wave.
17 years of the practical work in a remote rural village of southwest China, exploring areas such as heritage protection, culture revitalization, village tourism, village management, local industry development, etc...