
HERITAGE Asia – Pacific (heritAP)

A Network of Heritage Practitioners supported by WHITRAP Shanghai

  • Digital Cultural Heritage: Future Visions, a Lands...

    Source: HeritAP

    Introduction: THEME The adoption of the Charter on the Preservation of Digital Heritage by UNESCO in 2003, formally expanded the concept of heritage to encompass cultural works and informational products either ‘created digitally, or converted into digital form’. The Charter was primarily a response to the con...
  • Side Event of 43rd Session of World Heritage Commi...

    Source: HeritAP

    Introduction: Poster In this side event, the organizers will share initiatives on formalizing andreinforcing open emergent networks of heritage practitioners, from sitemanagers to researchers, including decision and policy-makers as well asinstitutions. Different networking platforms being currently und...
  • HeritAP Inaugural Event and Symposium

    Source: LI Hong and YANG Zilin, WHITRAP Shanghai

    Introduction: In recognition of WHITRAP's mission to enhance the regional role and foster the sharing of knowledge and experiences among heritage practitioners, from December 7 to December 10, 2019, HeritAP's first meeting was organized in Sri Lanka as a symposium on World Heritage Properties, Programmes and Peop...
  • Field Trip in Sri Lanka

    Source: YANG Zilin, WHITRAP Shanghai

    Introduction: On December 9-10, the programme organizes field trips to a number of World Heritage sites in Sri Lanka. On the first day, participants visited Sigiriya World Heritage Site. It is one of Sri Lanka’s ancient political capitals and most sensational archaeological heritage site that has sufficient evide...
  • HeritAP Concept and Updates

    Source: LI Hong, WHITRAP Shanghai

    Introduction: HERITAGE ASIA–PACIFIC (HeritAP) is a network of heritage practitioners created by WHITRAP Shanghai to foster the sharing of knowledge and experiences among individuals and institutions engaged in heritage activities in the Asia–Pacific Region. HeritAP aims to encourage recognition and the exchange o...
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