
HERITAGE Asia – Pacific (heritAP)

A Network of Heritage Practitioners supported by WHITRAP Shanghai

  • Summary | World Heritage Dialogue 5: World Heritag...

    Source: HeritAP

    Introduction: The 5th WHITRAP Shanghai World Heritage Dialogue was held on 12 October 2022. It focused on World Heritage Large Scale and Serial Properties-- A different approach to defining Outstanding Universal Values. For the video of the activity, please click the link below:
  • Promotion | World Heritage Dialogue 5: World Herit...

    Source: HeritAP

    Introduction: 5th WHITRAP SHANGHAI World Heritage Dialogue World Heritage Large Scale and Serial Properties A different approach to defining Outstanding Universal Values Wednesday 12 October 2022 Online 14:00-16:30 Beijing time (UTC + 8) English Channel on Bilibili Platform Live-streaming lin...
  • Summary | World Heritage Dialogue 4: World Heritag...

    Source: HeritAP

    Introduction: The 4th WHITRAP Shanghai World Heritage Dialogue was held on 14 September 2022. It focused on “World Heritage, Climate Change and Resilience -- Conserving Heritage and Promoting Heritage as a solution”. For the video of the activity, please click the link below:
  • Promotion | World Heritage Dialogues 4: World Heri...

    Source: HeritAP

    Introduction: World Heritage Dialogues for the 50th Anniversary of the World Heritage Convention See the Calendar of the World Heritage Dialogues series: Session 4 World Heritage, Climate Change and Resilience Conserving Heritage ...
  • Summary | World Heritage Dialogues 3: World Herita...

    Source: HeritAP

    Introduction: The 3rd WHITRAP Shanghai World Heritage Dialogues, was held on 17 August 2022. It focused on "World Heritage and the Digital Revolution. New technologies supporting the '5Cs' Strategic Objectives for World Heritage". For the video of the activity, please click the link below: http://heritap.whi...
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