Call for Application - 2nd Cycle of UNESCO World H...
Source: HeritAP
Introduction: In 2021, the World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO (WHTRAP) announces the 2nd Cycle of UNESCO World Heritage & Sustainable Tourism (WH+ST) – Chinese Pilot Study (2021-2025). Considering the pandemics, the heritage site ... -
Call for Research-Practice Teams! Heritage Place L...
Source: https://www.iccrom.org/news/call-research-practice-teams-heritage-place-lab-pilot-phase-0
Introduction: ICCROM-IUCN World Heritage Leadership Programme Learning Networks Within the ICCROM-IUCN World Heritage Leadership Programme (WHL), the module on Learning Networks promotes activities oriented to connect people and heritage places through peer learning, advancing people-centered and place-base... -
Asian Regional Course on People-Nature-Culture 202...
Source: https://www.iccrom.org/courses/asian-regional-course-people-nature-culture-2021
Introduction: Start date: 16 August, 2021 End date: 21 October, 2021 Deadline to apply: 21 May, 2021 Location:Online Partners: ICCROM, IUCN, Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea, Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment In collaboration with: ICOMOS, UNESCO World Heritage Centre Call for p... -
International Day for Monuments and Sites event-- ...
Source: ICOMOS www.icomos.org/en/77-articles-en-francais/90551-18-april-complex-pasts-diverse-futures
Introduction: In 1982, ICOMOS established 18 April as the International Day for Monuments and Sites, followed by UNESCO adoption during its 22nd General Conference. Each year, on this occasion, ICOMOS proposes a theme for activities to be organized by its members, National and International Scientific Committees,... -
Extended 44th session of the World Heritage Commit...
Source: http://whc.unesco.org/en/sessions/15EXTCOM/
Introduction: At the 15th extraordinary session of the World Heritage Committee held online on 29 March 2021 (online), a resolution on the work plan of the extended 44th World Heritage Committee meeting was formed. According to the resolution, the 44th World Heritage Committee meeting was decided to be held from ...
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