
HERITAGE Asia – Pacific (heritAP)

A Network of Heritage Practitioners supported by WHITRAP Shanghai

  • Summary | 2023 HeritAP Chat on Early Intervention ...

    Source: HeritAP

    Introduction: 2023 HeritAP Chat on Early Intervention of Impact Assessments GUAN Yi, LI Hong, WHITRAP Shanghai On May 26, WHITRAP Shanghai organized the 3rd Online Heritage Asia and the Pacific (HeritAP) Chat on “Early Intervention of Impact Assessments”. Seven experts were invited to attend the activity, a...
  • Promotion| 2023 HeritAP Chat on Early Intervention...

    Source: HeritAP

    Introduction: 2023HeritAP Chat on EarlyIntervention of Impact Assessments 20:00-22:00, 26 May 2023, Time Zone: UTC+8 Meeting ID: 82878965571 Passcode: 123456 World Heritage properties grapple with multifaceted conservation and management challenges, with a large...
  • The Training of Resource People on Impact Assessme...

    Source: HeritAP

    Introduction: The Training of Resource People on Impact Assessment in a World Heritage Context took place from 8 to 10 May 2023, organized by the ICCROM-IUCN World Heritage Leadership (WHL) programme and the World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region under the auspices...
  • Preview | 2023 WHITRAP Shanghai World Heritage Dia...

    Source: WHITRAP

    Introduction: 2023 WHITRAP SHANGHAI World Heritage Dialogues-1 World Heritage, Climate Change and Resilience Disaster response and Emergency risk preparedness for heritage under climate change induced threats organized on the occasion of the ICOMOS International Day for Monuments and Sites 21 Ap...
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