
HERITAGE Asia – Pacific (heritAP)

A Network of Heritage Practitioners supported by WHITRAP Shanghai

Call for Registration | Webinar series “New Horizons of Heritage Conservation” Session 2: World Heritage Education in Global and Local Context: The Role of Sustainable Tourism
Call for Registration | Webinar series “New Horizons of Heritage Conservation” Session 2: World Heritage Education in Global and Local Context: The Role of Sustainable Tourism
Key Words: UNESCO,Heritage Conservation,Sustainable Tourism

In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, and as the world approaches the mid-point of implementing the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, UNESCO is taking leadership as the only UN agency with a mandate in culture to join forces in search for new horizons in heritage conservation, in order to demonstrate the transformative role of culture in promoting sustainable development.
