
HERITAGE Asia – Pacific (heritAP)

A Network of Heritage Practitioners supported by WHITRAP Shanghai

  • Celebrating ICCROM's 60 years


    Introduction: Sixty years ago the world was a very different place. The Second World War and events leading up to it left vast parts of the world in ruin, and destroyed monuments, works of art, and historic towns and villages became raw reminders of the connection between culture and community identity and well-b...
  • ICOMOS and COVID-19: Heritage as a cornerstone of ...


    Introduction: Among the mass of information circulating concerning COVID-19, one hopeful message issued by credible medical publications is that an effective vaccine could probably be developed within the next 18 months. This would be the shortest development period for a vaccine in human history. Nevertheless, 1...
  • Monitoring World Heritage site closures


    Introduction: Introduction to the global map on the closure of World Heritage sites due to Covid-19 and analysis. In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, many governments have taken measures to restrict movements of people and access to certain areas. This includes the closure of natural and cultural World Heri...
  • GA2020 | Coronavirus COVID-19 Statement 3


    Introduction: ICOMOS has received the following statement from Australia ICOMOS, advising thatowing to present restrictions and future uncertainties resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, they are unable to host the General Assembly in Sydney in October 2020. The Board has accepted this decision and fully under...
  • Explore initiatives & stories from UNESCO networks...


    Introduction: From World Heritage sites to Creative Cities, UNESCO partners and teams join forces against Covid-19, to bring out the best in our shared humanity through culture, information and solidarity. Discover more initiatives from across the globe, and share your own! While billions of people are requeste...
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