
HERITAGE Asia – Pacific (heritAP)

A Network of Heritage Practitioners supported by WHITRAP Shanghai

Prof. Su SU
Country: Burma

Architecture, Heritage Management


ICOMOS Myanmar



Professional/Research Area(s):

Heritage, Urbanism

Short Resume:

She was fascinated a lot by the historic buildings and areas of shared heritage. She got Ph.D. from Yangon Technological University in 2006 by looking at urban management system of the "Historic Centre of Yangon" and did her post-doctoral research work on heritage management system of "Historic Centre Vienna and Budapest" at Vienna University of Technology in 2008 and 2009. She actively participated in the drafting teams of "Management Parts of Nomination Dossier and Property Management Plan of Pyu Ancient Cities", "Management Parts of Nomination Dossier of Bagan”, "Myanmar National Building Code" and currently participates in the drafting of "Management Parts of Nomination Dossier of Mrauk U" and a consultant team for “Mandalay Building Urban Resilience Project”, etc. She is an executive committee member of Association of Myanmar Architects, an executive committee member of Myanmar Architects Council, member of Mandalay Heritage Society and President of ICOMOS Myanmar. Her areas of interest for further research are on 20th century architectural heritage in urban areas, adaptive reuse of heritage buildings and the issues concerning with the new initiative historic urban landscape (HUL) concept, especially on those reflecting on historic city centres of South East Asian Cities.