
HERITAGE Asia – Pacific (heritAP)

A Network of Heritage Practitioners supported by WHITRAP Shanghai

Mr Zijie FU
Country: China

Heritage Management, Architecture Conservation




Program Specialist

Professional/Research Area(s):

World Heritage Studies, Heritage Interpretation, Heritage Community Participation

Short Resume:

Mr. Fu Zijie achieved his Master degree at the University of Hongkong, By receiving professional academic training in architecture conservation field, he set his research interest in world heritage studies, heritage interpretation and heritage community participation. By serving as program specialist position in ICOMOS China, he has participate in numbers of heritage related research projects, including interpretation enhancement project for Chinese world cultural heritage sites, namely East and West Qing Tomb. He also participate in research that implement world heritage guidelines and principles in Chinese context, for instance, the typology studies on Chinese Military and Fortification Heritages under the guidance of ICOMOS Guidelines on Fortifications and Military Heritage. By serving as assistant program specialist and program specialist in WHITRAP and ICOMOS CHINA, he also participate in UNESCO WH+ST Program, and apply his experience and insights in exploring tourism development and adaption reuse status in Great Wall fort around Beijing region.