
HERITAGE Asia – Pacific (heritAP)

A Network of Heritage Practitioners supported by WHITRAP Shanghai

Ms Zahida QUADRI
Country: Pakistan



Culture, tourism, Antiquities & Archives Department- Government of Sindh- Pakistan


Assistant Director / Chair ICOM-ICR

Professional/Research Area(s):

Archaeology Excavations, Disaster Risk Management, Heritage & SDGs, Museums Management

Short Resume:

I am a part of the Government body in Pakistan which deals with culture, heritage, Museums, and heritage Tourism. I have been practically involved in forming a legal framework for sites and Museums. I developed Disaster Risk projects for World Heritage sites including museums. I am working with the Provincial Disaster Management Authorities & other stakeholders on the plans & strategies for cultural properties at the time of the Disaster. I am a Focal person for International archaeological Missions in Sindh, a Focal person for the Gender-Based Violence Sub-Working Group, a Focal Person for the ICH Working Group established by the President of Pakistan & National Heritage Division, Federal Government of Pakistan, an Expert Member of the Steering Committee of UNESCO & Government of Pakistan, for Safeguarding Cultural Heritage in Pakistan, and I am an Editor of Government research Journal, Sindh Antiquities. At present, I am serving as a Chair of the ICOM international committee ICR (International Committee of Regional Museums), an Expert member of ICOMOS ICAHM, and an Executive Board member of ICOM Pakistan, (National Committee of International Councils for Museums).