
HERITAGE Asia – Pacific (heritAP)

A Network of Heritage Practitioners supported by WHITRAP Shanghai

Mr Jiqing ZHANG
Country: Germany



JZs architects


Chief Architects

Professional/Research Area(s):

Architecture, Heritage, Sustainability

Short Resume:

Founder & Chief Architect of JZs | architects
Registered Architect in Germany
EDGE Green Building Certification Expert by the World Bank
Expert at the Educational Innovation Center of the China Academy of Building Research

Zhang Jiqing was educated at RWTH Aachen University in Germany. He gained practical experience at renowned European firms and taught at universities and research institutes. In 2017, he founded JZs | architects. Driven by a passion for interdisciplinary and multicultural collaborations, he has partnered with numerous architectural, interior design, and industrial design firms. He has led and participated in award-winning projects, accumulating extensive experience both domestically and internationally.

The firm consists of registered architects and engineers in Germany, dedicated to green, energy-efficient, low-carbon architecture, including passive houses, modular construction, renewable energy, and recyclable materials. Utilizing digital design and intelligent construction technologies like BIM, VR, and visual simulation, the firm focuses on green building consultancy, certification, carbon asset management, and enhancing ESG performance. JZs | architects is actively involved in cultural, arts, commercial sectors, urban renewal, and rural revitalization projects.