
HERITAGE Asia – Pacific (heritAP)

A Network of Heritage Practitioners supported by WHITRAP Shanghai

Country: Sri Lanka

Buddhist Archaeology, Silk Road Studies, Tangible & Intangible Heritage,


SAARC Cultural Centre / Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka


Former Deputy Director Programmes & Former Deputy Director Research at the SAARC Cultural Centre, Sri Lanka and Assistant Editor of the Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka.

Professional/Research Area(s):

Silk Road, Buddhist Archaeology, Sri Lankan Archaeology, Tangible and Intangible Heritage,

Short Resume:

I am an Archaeologist and Heritage Consultant. I received my BA in Archaeology from Peking University, Postgraduate Diploma in Urban Revitalization and Heritage Management from the Institute of Housing and Urban Development Studies in Netherlands and my MA from the Harvard University in USA.

My research interests include Buddhist Archaeology of Sri Lanka, South Asia, Silk Road, Central Asia and China. My current research is on Paintings of Jataka Stories at the Kizil Rock-Cut Cave Temple in Xinjiang Province of China.

My publications include Photographic Documentation of the Ancient Wall Paintings of the Medawala Temple on Pillars (Tampita Vihara) in Kandy District of Sri Lanka, Buddhist Art and Architecture and Key Buddhist Centres of Devotion and Pilgrimage in Buddhism Living Religion Sri Lanka, Buddhism in Central Asia in 2600 Years of Sambuddhatva: Global Journey of Awakening. My work experience includes the fields of Research, Heritage Management, Human Resource Assessments, Project Evaluations, Editing, Cultural & Archaeological Impact Assessments, Internally Displaced Persons, Translations & Interpreting, Event Planning, Project Planning & Implementation, etc.