
HERITAGE Asia – Pacific (heritAP)

A Network of Heritage Practitioners supported by WHITRAP Shanghai

Mr Sotheara SENG
Country: Cambodia

Tourism, Culture


Apsara Authority


Deputy Director

Professional/Research Area(s):

Tourism, Culture, Museum

Short Resume:

My name is SENG Sotheara. I was born in 1980 in Phnom Penh (Cambodia). I studied in National Institute of Management and graduate in 2002 with a B.B.A in Hospitality and Tourism Management and got a Master Degree in Business Management in 2007. I work for the APSARA National Authority since 2003, Deputy Director of Department of Cultural Development, Museum and Heritage Norm of APSARA Authority.
In addition to that, I was selected as a key member of Tourism Management Plan working group, in charge of the touristic development of Angkor, the World Heritage Site, and implementation of the Angkor Tourism Management Plan (TMP). Besides my mother tongue Khmer, Sotheara is fluent in English. I was regularly invited as speaker to national and international seminars to share my research and experiences.