
HERITAGE Asia – Pacific (heritAP)

A Network of Heritage Practitioners supported by WHITRAP Shanghai

Prof. Luca ZAN
Country: Italy

Management of heritage and arts organization; planning & budgeting; History of administration


University of Bologna, Department of Management


Full Professor

Professional/Research Area(s):

International comparison on the management of heritage and arts organizations; Strategic change processes, planning and management control; Management and accounting history.

Short Resume:

Luca Zan, Professor of Management, University of Bologna, is involved in international teaching in Arts management: Director of GIOCA (Graduate degree in Innovation an Organization of Culture and the Arts) at Unibo; Adjunct faculty at the Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh; Adjunct faculty at CAFA, Beijing.
In terms of research, Luca Zan is active in the field of management/accounting history, with several international publications on the history of managing practice in protoindustrial settings, and management and accounting in historical perspectives. He is also extensively involved in field research on the management of arts/heritage organizations, within an international comparative research. In particular, he carries out fieldwork in the State administration in China, Turkey, Peru and Ecuador, in addition to Europe. He is author of Managerial Rhetoric and Arts Organizations, Palgrave, 2006; The Management of Cultural Heritage in China. General trends and a micro-focus on the Luoyang municipality, Egea, 2008 (co-authors Y.Guo and S. Liu); Managing Cultural Heritage. An International research Perspective, Routledge, 2016 (co-authors Bonini, Lusiani, Ferri, Shoup and Onofri); Heritage Sites in Contemporary China: Cultural Policies and Management Practices, Routledge, 2018 (co-authors B.Yu, J.Yu, H.Yan). He also published extensively in several international publications on heritage and museum management.