
HERITAGE Asia – Pacific (heritAP)

A Network of Heritage Practitioners supported by WHITRAP Shanghai

2024 HeritAP Chat on World Heritage Contribution to SDGs (Part 3)

Keywords: World Heritage SDGs
On May 30th, the "HeritAP Chat: 2024 World Heritage Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals (Environment and Resilience)" was successfully held online. The event was organized by the World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO, Shanghai (WHITRAP Shanghai). A panel of six experts was invited to participate, including Gamini Wijesuriya (WHITRAP Shanghai special advisor), Hatthaya Siriphatthanakun (SEAMEO SPAFA senior specialist), Li Hong (WHITRAP Shanghai project director) , Wang Xinyuan (HIST deputy director), Rohit Jigyasu (ICCROM project manager), and Nobuko Inaba (Emerit Professor, World Heritage Studies, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba). Representatives from 11 heritage sites in five countries (Pakistan, Thailand, Iran, India, and China) presented their respective cases. A total of 28 HeritAP members attended the Zoom meeting, and 1885 people watched the live broadcast. The event is part of WHITRAP Shanghai's six-year project "World Heritage Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals (2023-2028)," which aims to further understand the implementation of heritage protection projects and promote innovative practices of world heritage contributing to sustainable development goals to a broader audience.