Announcement: 2021 Training Course on Impact Asses...
Source: http://www.whitr-ap.org/index.php?classid=1462&id=111&t=show
Introduction: Due to the COVID-19, it is decided that the 2020 Training on Impact Assessments for World Heritage will be postponed to 19-25 October 2021. Thanks to the support from Agency for Cultural Affairs of Japan and Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Japan. The venue is still Fukuo... -
International Protection of Cultural Heritage and ...
Source: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/master-in-cultural-property-protection-in-crisis-response
Introduction: In the frame of the Seminar Series organized within the International Master in Cultural Property Protection in Crisis Response, the Seminar “International Protection of Cultural Heritage and Dispute Resolution Methods” by Professor Manlio Frigo of the University of Milan, on February 14th 2020 at 1... -
2nd Cycle of UNESCO World Heritage & Sustainable T...
Source: HeritAP
Introduction: Date: June 7th, 2021-June 11th, 2021 Language: Chinese Organisers: World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region, Shanghai Centre (WHITRAP, Shanghai) Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning and Design Institute CO., LTD Background: Tourism has the pot... -
Call for Innovative Case Studies on World Heritage...
Source: HeritAP
Introduction: 1 / Background The 44th Session of the World Heritage Committee will be held in Fuzhou (China) on 16 July 2021. A side event themed World Heritage Education for the Future - Cultural Inheritance, Lifelong Learning and Sustainable Development is scheduled on the same day before the opening ceremony ... -
2020 ACCU International Symposum "Museum and Local...
Source: ACCU
Introduction: ACCU International Symposium 2020 "Museum and Local Community" December 22, 2020 14:00-16:00 (Japan time) Programme
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