2020 ACCU International Symposum "Museum and Local...
Source: ACCU
Introduction: ACCU International Symposium 2020 "Museum and Local Community" December 22, 2020 14:00-16:00 (Japan time) Programme -
Digital Cultural Heritage: Future Visions, a Lands...
Source: HeritAP
Introduction: THEME The adoption of the Charter on the Preservation of Digital Heritage by UNESCO in 2003, formally expanded the concept of heritage to encompass cultural works and informational products either ‘created digitally, or converted into digital form’. The Charter was primarily a response to the con... -
Side Event of 43rd Session of World Heritage Commi...
Source: HeritAP
Introduction: Poster In this side event, the organizers will share initiatives on formalizing andreinforcing open emergent networks of heritage practitioners, from sitemanagers to researchers, including decision and policy-makers as well asinstitutions. Different networking platforms being currently und... -
第二期联合国教科文组织“世界遗产与可持续旅游” 中国试点项目(2021-2025)培训通告
Source: HeritAP
Introduction: 地点:上海 培训时间: 2021年6月7日-6月11日 申请截止日期:2021年5月15日 录取通知书发放:2021年5月20日 缴费时间:2021年5月20-31日 主办方: 联合国教科文组织亚太地区世界遗产培训与研究中心(上海) 支持单位: 上海同济城市规划设计研究院有限公司 背景 旅游业为全球创造了十分之一的工作岗位,为经济发展和减少贫困带来巨大机遇;同时“过度旅游”对遗产地社会、文化和生态造成了负面影响。为了解决这些问题,世界遗产委员会于2012年通过了“世界遗产与可持续旅游项目”(World Heritage and... -
Statement on GA2020 and the ICOMOS 2023 General As...
Source: ICOMOShttps://www.icomos.org/en/about-icomos/governance/general-information-about-the-general-assembly/21st-general-assembly/75311-statement-on-ga2020-and-the-icomos-2023-general-assembly
Introduction: Dear ICOMOS members and friends, I have the pleasure of informing you that the ICOMOS Board, in agreement with the Advisory Committee officers, has accepted the generous offer by Australia ICOMOS to host the 2023 triennial ICOMOS General Assembly in Sydney. Following the difficult decision o...
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