
HERITAGE Asia – Pacific (heritAP)

A Network of Heritage Practitioners supported by WHITRAP Shanghai

Sustainable Urbanization and Tourism amid COVID-19 Crisis

COVID-19 Pandemic started as a health crisis, but soon became humanitarian and socioeconomic crisis as well. At macro-level, it impacted global and national economies thereby plunging them into deep contraction and it is clear the world is losing its hard-won development gains in the last decade or so. 

Even before the Pandemic outbreak, it was evaluated that none of SDGs would be achieved by 2030 if countries remain on current trajectory. Now it has been affecting almost all

dimensions of SDGs, it is clear that the progress has been further delayed.

SG issues 20 policy briefs which are 12 by themes/ issues. 4 by different vulnerable groups and 4 by different regions. Among them, two policy briefs, COVID-19 in an Urban World and COVID-19 and Transforming Tourism are relevant to cultural heritage sites and foci of deliberation in my presentation.

The role of cultural heritage in the new normal requires an approach which should be integrative, inclusive, innovative and sustainable and can help cities and communities implement “Build Back Better and Greener” from the Pandemic. Yet, it is still at an early stage, so sharing of knowledge and good practices among various stakeholders should inform emerging policy frameworks.